Dever Software Apps

Dispatch Driver 2.7.1
Dispatch Driver app can be used by private hire, taxi,chauffeurservice and limousine hire drivers to receive bookingsfrom theirdispatching company via the Dispatch booking system. Itallowsauthorised drivers to sign on and off shift, receivebookings,update the status of active bookings, manage bookingpayments(including fare, waiting time charges, car park fees,extras andcredit card fees), record cash payments received and takecreditcard payments. Now you can access all of your pre-bookedandinstant bookings in the palm of your hand, from anywhere andatanytime! What can you do? - Sign on and off shift - Enablelocationtracking when you are signed on shift - Instantlyreceivedispatched bookings with full details of the passenger,flightinformation, collection time, pickup, via points and dropofflocations, wait and return instructions and of any fare tocollect- Get push notifications when a new booking is received -Accept orreject dispatched bookings - Easily set the current statusof abooking (at pickup, passenger on board, soon to clear or clear)-Have waiting time and credit card fee chargesautomaticallycalculated - Record details of any extras such as carpark fees -Record details of cash payments and take credit cardpayments -Email a receipt to the passenger And much, much more.Locationtracking enables the current location of all authorised, onshiftdrivers to be reflected in real time on a map view via theDispatchbooking system, enabling the dispatcher to quickly andeasilydispatch jobs to the nearest available driver. All bookingstatusupdates are instantly reflected within the Dispatch bookingsystem,enabling the dispatcher to monitor the status of everyactive job.How to get started? Download the app and simply enteryourcompany's registration number and your driver number tobegin.However, your company will have to be registered forDispatchfirst. Note: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. When off duty, please signoffshift via the application to disable the GPS based locationupdatesfeature.